'Someone has to do it'

When I was working I loved my job, the frequent international travel, interacting with Turks, Greeks, Arabs, Russians and lots of other nationalities. When someone tells me that it sounds like a great job, and also going abroad with the RAF, I usually say that it was 'A dirty job but someone has to do it' in a joke.
In the case of this blip I suppose this could be classed as a dirty job, especially in bad weather, but someone does have to do it. The men working at Coney Hill Cemetery do seem to enjoy their work, out in the open air doing physical activity all day long and they do a great job of keeping the cemetery neat and tidy.
I go along to look after the graves of my Father in Law and Sister in Law, and also another sister in law who hasn't actually passed away yet but her plot is there! I do appreciate the work that these men do and they always have a cheery 'Good Morning' for you.

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