Petty Cash?
A frustrating morning when our cleaning lady turned up to do the weekly clean and turned around and left again without lifting a finger. In fact, without even entering the flat. In fact, without even coming up to the 4th floor. I met her in the entranceway when I was on my way out and she was angry, very very upset, frustrated and ended up crying. She hasn't been paid from the school yet for all the extra work she did recently when the floors were being laid and sanded and hasn't been paid for her weekly cleans for weeks either. The system of paying her has changed as my colleague used to pay her weekly and claim the cash back from the school and the new system (whatever that is) hasn't happened yet. She's borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and all the Peters are getting angry and impatient. She feels helpless as the person who she speaks to in the school can't give her an answer. This morning, she decided to leave without cleaning to see if that has an impact. I have a feeling the only impact it will have is that I'll have to do some cleaning later today or let the dust settle till the problem's sorted. I really feel for her and was very tempted to just give her some cash this morning but held back as the school really needs to get this sorted out once and for all. There's no such thing as petty cash in the school system and although the amount we're talking about is petty, it's not petty in the context here. And certainly not petty to the cleaning lady. I hope it gets sorted out soon.
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