Bear in the Bluebell woods.

This is a bit of a cheat as it was sent to me - I didnt take it.

My time line on my Facebook showed a picture of my beautiful Bear taken 6 years ago this morning. I was then sent this picture of her by her new Mummy. 

I thought I'd carry on the Bluebell theme from yesterday!!

And now a boring bit for my journal.....We had an early start today as a friendly plumber came at 8.30 to put a new radiator in the dining room in the hope it will dry out a wall suffering from rising damp, caused by the patio being too high. Once we have enough pennies we will replace the patio but wanted to get the wall dry before it crumbles away. He also popped a valve on the bedroom radiator so we can stop it feeling like a sauna or a freezer!

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