Mediterranean musings

By Grumpyfr0mGrau

To fail to plan is to plan to fail

Funny how some things from all those boring management courses stick in your mind.

We were supposed to get next winters wood delivered this morning, but as so often happens down here "Manana".... which is just as well as owing to my misspent youth my extra long back was playing up ce matin.
I did manage to bike to the village to get our daily bread and take a shot of the Mount Canigou, so.............

On a day when the snow is starting to melt away on the Pyrenees, I dad happen to notice that it is also warm enough here for the bikini tops to melt away on the beach at Grau d'Agde.

Knowing you Blip aficionados, I did think you would much prefer a view of the distant mountains. 

I have now had confirmation that next winters wood delivery may well be tomorrow morning, or afternoon.. If not, definitely sometime on Friday. 

So tomorrows Blip will either be an empty drive or a wood pile. 

To fail to plan is to plan to fail.

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