CyclopsJnr and I (cyclops) were at Almond Valley Heritage Center this afternoon, and discovered some new bits we'd not visited before. One of them was this trolley ride - cleverly adapted wheeled sledges on a sloping ramp.
I put him on at the top, and sprinted round to meet him here at the bottom. As he gathered speed (easily out-accelerating me) I did wonder about how he was going to stop - but as there was nothing I could do I just had to resign myself to "oh well, they must have thought of that"...
They had. There is a raised plank in the middle at the lower part of the ramp, that lifts the wheels off the ground and slows the trolley safely.
When I got to the bottom I found him sitting in the trolley grinning and laughing (although I was too slow to get a photo of that). He *LOVED* it and went on several times.
It was only as we were walking away I saw the sign saying "Children over 5 only".
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