Inishcrone Seaweed Baths

My grandmother used to bring her young daughters to Inishcrone each summer for a few days..but one daughter at a time.

One of the highlights was the seaweed baths opened over 100 years ago and still going strong today. In the collage you can see one of the original baths, the cistern and shower which would have poured fresh seawater over the bather to close up the pores after the hot seaweed bath. Finally there is a section from a photo of the opening day showing the ladies who heated the water over coal fires and kept the bath water nice and warm.

We felt sad saying goodbye to our cousins but had a quick flight home. So now I have to assimilate all the new family facts and see if there are any more questions we need to answer!

Sorry I have neglected you all but WiFi was not good. I will catch up with you in the coming days. Thank you for your comments on our West of Ireland adventure.

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