Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Treasure Hunt

I can't believe it's the last day of the holiday club already! We didn't meet in the church hall today but set up a marquee in Callander Park for a special day out. Thankfully it stayed dry.

Part of the extra activities aside from music, drama and Bible teaching was a treasure hunt around the park. Here is some of what my group found. The list included:

- Something purple
- A piece of bark
- A feather
- A piece of moss
- A Y-shaped stick
- Something living (I managed to convince my group to take a flower instead of a worm!)
- Something that shouldn't be there (an irn bru can among other strange objects we found!)
- A mushroom

A brilliant end to a brilliant week. We discovered the "treasure" we were looking for was our memory verse. The route on our treasure map turned out to be shaped like a 3 and an 8, which coincidentally was the reference for Philippians 3:8...

"Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. I have given up everything and count it all as rubbish. All I want is Christ." as said by Paul.

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