
By theBroon

Don't vote...............don't bitch!

"If you don't vote, you don't get to bitch"

I'm a firm believer in that statement and I've never missed an election of any type since I turned 18 and voted at Woodpark Primary polling station in Lesmahagow but this one nearly had me binning my papers.

A lack of credible candidates, unimaginative policies, voting fatigue and the list vote, don't get me started on that........ too late.

A system that most people don't understand, that has power to put faceless names into parliament at a party's behest and not the voters. Bad enough on voting day but just watch when an MSP steps down during term.

By-election?.... No.

Faceless name shoe horned in to make up party numbers....Yes???

A parliament is only as strong as it's opposition or else governments can push through poor legislation without proper consideration and debate, so that puts the Scottish parliament in very poor position.

I, probably like many others, had high hopes when we voted for Devolution but boy have we missed an opportunity. Most of it down to an arrogant Scottish Labour party that took us for granted and failed to bring good candidates from Westminster to Holyrood but still thought they could stick their oar in. Donald Dewar will be spinning faster that the SNP's PR team.

Rant over, vote placed, work to be done.......... get off yir arses and vote because if you don't..........................!

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