My alternative diary

By chrisphoto

Wind-farm in rape fields edited by Jake aged 8+

Our daughter has gone to some sort of thingy at the Royal Albert Hall tonight. This means the school run this afternoon, 3 bouncy kids delighted to be staying with Nan and Grampy and not really wanting to go to bed ‘cos there’s all sorts of interesting things to do.
For grandson, aged 8 years, appears behind me whilst editing images taken today as possible blips. He says can he edit one of my photos. I ask if he’s used Photoshop and he replies no but it didn’t matter. We choose one of my photos, he asks how to make the image bigger on the screen and how to erase and then I left him to it! Sometime later he asked for a drink and I asked to see what he’d done. He was fairly scathing about his editing but when I said it looked more like a painting now he asked me to save it. So he now has his own folder on my computer with his edited photo.  
My blip for today was going to be a Sparrow but that is now in extra and my blip is one of my images edited by Jake my grandson.

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