
By Drysailor

Ferry across the Maas...

Beautiful day today, all previous plans cancelled and off we went for a drive. Just fo fun! Went across the border into Holland, to Arcen, crossed the Maas on this Ferry and then visited the Rose Town and Nurseries. Spoilt for choice ther but have found some likely bushes for next year.
This is the Ferry, it is not free running but is a Chain Ferry, that is it runs over a linked chain that is attached to both banks and it just rolls over it, very clever. If you don't use it it is a 20 mile drive to the next bridge! When any large vessel approachs the Ferry remains at the bank and the chain lays on the river bed. No propellors or shafts, the mechanism is above water, easy maintainance, Typical Dutch, not so Hi Tech, but it works effieciently and is cheap!

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