
One of those days again. Spread a couple of loads of nitrogen in between other jobs. A neighbour's man in for 3 loads of straw which he was buying, which held up getting cattle mucked and bedded. Then a lorry in for more bruised barley so I had to borrow another neighbours Merlo tele handler to load it. Turns out there was only about half an artic load left so haulier wasn't' happy.
Nipped down to the village at tea time to vote, but hit the rush hour- 2 other folk there!
Had to go and rescue Mrs F twice as the Jeep playing silly buggers and refusing to start. Spent the last hour guddling about under the clutch pedal where a switch isn't making contact. Hopefully cured it with a big pair of pliers and bent the metal holder nearer the clutch pedal . No doubt I will hear if it hasn't worked ! Little miss came with me to put flowers on my Dad's grave as the 5 th was his birthday (and also the date he died ) Ho hum.
Also thanks to everyone for your comments yesterday on my 2 year Blip. It is very addictive !

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