
By Sparky


A funny day, at breakfast EB decided to tell me that a mutual friend has offered her his spare room when I go back to UK. For some reason, I'm not sure why, she thought I would be upset. The news was unexpected, but it means she will be in a nicer part of town, with a nice guy (more on him another time maybe) and, anyway, i won't be here. All a bit odd.
Although we had planned to walk up to the theater and buy tickets for the opera and then go shopping together, she changed her plans and went discuss arrangements with him, that did piss me off. Not a word of apology, so I guess she forgot or didn't think plans were solid.
I did some abs and cardio work, showered and went shopping, bought a mate (south American drinking gourd) and bombilla for Joe, he can drink green tea with , tried on a few coats and then went to book the spa for tomorrow. 5* hotel spa, I'm excited.

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