Checking for Change

The fact that the sun was pouring into The Boss’s bedroom (Oh The Bossess uses it sometimes too) was nothing to do with this moment. I needed to check out the change map. This is a visual and olfactory (Oh new word) thing but the bark yard is so full of leaves that I will wait for someone??? to rake them up first. 

It was a funny old day today as we walked to the post office and The Boss and I had some lovely encounters along the way especially with a lovely German couple where the lady was really keen on ME and said that she would marry The Boss if he had been 25. The Bloke didn’t seem to mind as Time Machine tech is still being invented but it did seem to do wonders to The Boss’s day and we told them about a German Shepherd I kno called “Max” that actually speaks German and then passed on travel tips. Errr…NO we passed on the tips NOT the dog. I mean how would you understand a dog giving travel tips in German?,,,,Right?
Then I spent some time snoozing in Nu Suzz while The Boss chatted to friends about Tech and Time Travel. It seems you need a grrreat Broadband connection but I can now get wireless at streaming quality and watch the dogs at Downton Abbey anytime with “Skinny” broadband.… Yap, it is called that! which has to be better than “Naked” which would NEVER do on Downton Abbey.


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