The Result

In 2011 - five years ago to the day - when I won in Argyll & Bute I posted a picture of the declaration which didn't give much indication of the context in which the result was declared.   You can find it here :

This  time the view is a wider one and shows the Joint Campus Sports Hall at Lochgilphead at 6.07 this morning as the CEO of Argyll & Bute and local Returning Officer, Sally Loudon announced that I had won again on a higher poll with a slightly increased vote but a reduced majority.  

Lots of reasons for that, some of which were seen across the country and some of which are unique to this place - not least the presence on the ballot of the former Lib Dem MP , making this the only constituency in Scotland where the ex MP tried a comeback though two others contested the regional ballot.  

He didn't make it though the Tory candidate Donald Cameron, who came third, was returned  as an MSP on the Highland List .

It was a long night, but I am very pleased to be be re-elected  as the  constituency representative in the Scottish Parliament of the most beautiful and diverse  part in Scotland, a point I made in the my acceptance speech.  

However there weren't huge number of people present to hear it and the counting staff were somewhat exhausted after an 8 hour shift which had still a bit to go in terms of finishing the Regional count.   So I was brief, though my Labour opponent , Mick Rice (who came last) was not.....

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