Fine dining.

It was my day for volunteering at Nolton Church, and what an interesting morning it was. We had only been open a few minutes, when two young guys who were Mormon's,  came in. We invited them in, and Kevin started to tell them the points of interest in the church. He first showed them the mother of pearl memorial, that the German  prisoners of war donated to the church. We asked them if they had seen the Great Escape,  they hadn't, and they hadn't  heard of Steve McQueen  either. Kevin then took them up the spire, and they rang the bells. While they were up there, a couple came in, who were from  Romania, but they didn't speak  much English.  They sat down , said a few prayers, and went on their way, and as she left, she had tears in her eyes.  A few minutes later, a polish lady called, who spoke no English at all.  The next visitor was the Irishman, who doesn't come up for breath, so  I was glad to see Adrian, who is a regular, and while I was chatting to him, a couple came through the door, who  I recognized  as my aunt. She  was married to my fathers brother, who has passed away, and I was bridesmaid at their wedding.  The gentlemen with her, was a friend, who works in the church office. Small word eh! We had varied other church regulars as well, and just before we were due to pack up, Larry called. Larry pops in most weeks, on his way to the Mental Health meeting, which is held in the church hall on a Friday. I made him a cuppa, and he   ate quite a few biscuits. He has never forgotten the photo I took of him (which I had framed) and  he tells me  this every time . When he got up to leave, he called me over, and gave me the biggest hug, and the sloppiest kiss I have ever had, but it made my day. I took this as I left the church, and  then J met me, and we went to Sainsbury's to  do the weekly shop. 

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