People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Gritty stroke of luck

I am visiting my parents for a few days in Philadelphia, and I finally got to meet my nephew, Tiny Man. I had a stomach flu when we were here over Christmas, and as TM was surprisingly born 5 weeks early, on Dec 21, I stayed away to keep him safe. He is, clearly, the most beautiful 4.5 month old baby currently alive.

By sheer dumb luck, Klepa and I caught a lecture by Angela Duckworth at the local public library. Babcia Hania found out about it, and though we would enjoy it. Little did she know, Dr. Duckworth is one of the "hot" people in my discipline, and it was an incredible treat to hear her speak. She co-resented with Jane Golden, the Founder and Executive Director of the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. Duckworth researches grit and resilience, and just published a book on the subject. Jane Golden is the most gritty person alive in Philadelphia, PA, at least according to those who know her and introduced the two.

Their enthusiasm was contagious, and the talk confirmed what many masters of all disciplines know: when your chin is on the ground, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. Simple, so why doesn't everybody do it? Duckworth is on it.

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