Along the riverbank

As I now have my car back, complete with brand new radiator, I went over to one of my favourite places, Elford Hall Gardens, which isn't accessible by bus.

I had hoped for a few butterfly shots, but that was not to be. There were plenty of the skittish creatures but none posed, or even paused.

Even before I'd left the car parking area, I'd seen a couple of orange tips, two pretty little blues and a few whites (which I later saw were brimstones).

But the light, and the beauty of the place were stunning. There was a fine array of bulbs, even black tulips (extra photo), but I just wanted to capture the serenity of this paradise.

And I called into the Fruit farm for some English strawberries to have with a large pot of Turkish yoghurt (splendid and on offer in Lidl)

Enjoy your Saturday

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