Guinness Book of World Records

The first day of my recovery from diarrhea and Im out and about. My mom, aunt, uncle and two cousins braved the heat of the Philippine sun and travelled to Crocodile Park today for the attempt to beat the world record for the most number of people simultaneously singing the national anthem. The record to beat is Bangladesh at 264,000 people. We arrived at the venue 15minutes before the gates closed. We also did not have to wait too long under the heat of the sun for the actual singing of the anthem to start.

The organizers aimed to get as many as 300,000 people. At this point of writing my blip, there has been no information released yet as to how many people actually got to sing the national anthem but the number of people in the venue earlier was really something. 

Several gatherings of the same aim were also done in different parts of the country but as far as I know, our city was the only one which aimed to beat the world record set by Bangladesh.

Leaving the venue was more difficult than going there. Traffic wasnt handled properly. Motorbikes, cars, lorries and people all shared the same road. We waited for at least an hour to leave the venue since the flow of people leaving the venue bottlenecked at the bridge area. We didnt want to suffocate and we werent in a hurry anyway. After 2 hours (probably 1hour of walking and waiting), we were able to safely leave the area for home.

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