The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

After the storm

We've had thunder today. I have been feeling under the humid weather, so have just rested for most of the day. I had plans, but could not carry them out. CleanSteve got me the antibiotics that the nurse prescribed a while ago. She advised waiting to see...however, I think I really might have a sinus infections infection. Let's hope I start to improve now I've got the drugs, again.

These little pink flowers are you on the back step, waiting to be homed on the patio. I thought they'd be the best blipportunity of today.

In other news, I am reading the excellent book, Moving, by Jenny Eclair (a Richard and Judy choice: I usually go along with them) and listening to a series about Songwriting, on the BBC World Service. Right now I am also watching a programme about fabulous homes on the Cote d' Azur. It's good to have something to aspire to: my former aromatherapy tutor retired to Menton!

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