Soul Collage Weekend

Dear Diary,

I am having a wonderful time at the retreat.  The Genesis Center in Westfield, Massachusetts is great and since it is also World Labyrinth Day, I took time to walk their labyrinth this morning.  It gave me some more ideas for my labyrinth, like using flower plantings within the labyrinth and not just around the edges.

It has been inspiring and revealing time, as Soul Collage always is, and the collages seem to be pouring out of me.  I decided to take a break and post this entry and to say I saw my first black squirrel today!  I was only able to get a photograph through the window but spent some minutes watching him digging furiously and carefully moving the earth around with his tiny paws and patting it carefully.  I will go explore what he was doing later.  So it isn't just Rudy who loves to excavate!

I apologize for not commenting on your journals.  I will return on Monday!

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