Old City Cemetery

Today we had beautiful weather.  The Old City Cemetery was having an antique rose festival so we went over.  It is a lovely place where they have gathered all the left over monuments and interesting little buildings in one place.  They have antique roses for sale - we bought two "mystery roses" which should be a china shrub variety - but no promises.

This is the entrance to the confederate section.  Literally hundreds of young men who lost their lives in the conflict are buried here.  I personally don't care to celebrate that war like many southerners do - but I think it is important to honor the dead of any conflict - I wish we could remember them and learn to avert these disasters.  

Up the hill and across the road is a large marker for Lizzie Langley.  There is a prominent family in town with that name - we thought they might be related. But when I checked the website, Lizzie Langley was a prominent colored madam during the 1880s.  How intriguing. I am sure there is a story there.

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