That look in your eyes

that says that you may be contemplating an alternative use for the chopsticks.

James and I met up with Rach and Cody this afternoon in Manchester.  It is not quite as cheap to get into town now, given that James's fare is now an adult one.  No matter - it was nice to spend an afternoon with him, as always.

Essentially, we spent a while in Afflecks Palace, leaving with a telecaster guitar and a Beatles album!  James used some of his savings for the guitar.  It sounds so mellow and it was lovely to see him just sit down with it and play it with other people around.  Clearly confident.

Yo!Sushi for a late lunch - James tried some teriyaki beef and liked it.  

Made it back to Piccadilly with about 30 seconds before the doors on our train closed.  It was really rather to warm and muggy to be rushing around.  I am paying for it now, but am pretty much of a mind that I am going to squeeze every last moment out of the next few days, because I don't know what I am going to wake up to on Thursday afternoon.  

Hopefully tomorrow, Corin and I can go and mooch around somewhere, and maybe get an ice cream or a cream tea!!!!

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