Artsy Fartsy

By GeorgiaM99

Chocolate and beetroot cake

Yay! I found time this afternoon to make this gorgeous tasting cake. My mum made it for my birthday a couple of years ago and I have always wanted to try make it my self. So I dug out a recipe, tweaked it a little and voila! It's ridiculously huge and tastes great!

Other than cake making, I've studied for my biology exam on Monday and tidied the rest of my room and cleaned it.

This morning I woke at about half six in the morning to hear the mouse that escaped a few days ago from Willow (after being on my room already for at least two/three days)

I think it has at least ten lives as it has somehow escaped Willow three times now.

The trap (it's a humane one!) is in place with some fresh cheese and I'm hoping it gets hungry enough to get it and get stuck so we can take it up to the woods to be free and then I can also finally have a mouse free room! (Yay)

The extra is a photo of the cake before I stuck it in the oven and is also a kind of size comparison with my hand, I have pretty large hands anyway but this cake makes 'em look small! Haha.

Day 51

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