Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Lovely summer days

Had to pick E up from her second night of sleepovers at 9am. We're always up early anyway, wilfs having a waking up with the sun phase. Trying to get everyone ready quietly tho, knowing everyone else in the world is probably sleeping was a bit more challenging.

It was soooo sunny. I paid M to was the car. £1 for inside, a £1 for outside and the possibility of a bonus £1 for excellent work. We settled on £2.50 as I sort of had to request the outside again after she'd finished. She really did try hard go and it was swelteringly hot bless her.

Next stop, into town for an ice-cream and an afternoon at the park. Bumped in to some mums from the village which was nice.

When we got home I got the little sandpit out and filled it with water so they could all have a little paddle. We ate dinner in the garden and dried the washing on the line. I love the sunshine :))

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