Cake Day
Lazy Sunday. Hugely windy last night so most of the early hours were spent with me pacing (stumbling, more like) around the house trying to find which shutter was banging in the wind. Never did succeed.
This morning CarbBoy set to to actually do the presentation he's been 'doing' (particularly when asked to help with something) for the past six weeks. It's on the human body so, despite some tricky and inappropriate Google image search moments about 'organs' and 'muscles', he got there in the end.
Meanwhile, TallGirl has her second go at the mock brevet tomorrow and Tuesday. Despite her nerves, revision has been (putting it generously) minimal. They will be the first lot to sit the revised brevet next year, so have already had an old-style mock (for benchmarking I guess). I'm keeping my powder dry until the results are out...
Later in the day, roast pork with a bunch of trimmings and more West Wing, which TallGirl is gratifyingly enjoying, and CarbBoy is tolerating, since it means he doesn't have to go to bed (despite coughing like a seal all day, though he claims to feel fine).
Later still, lemon cake was devoured.
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