Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Curly Red

I spent most of the day with my friend, Patrina. We did lunch and then, as she is a shopaholic, had a mooch around Chorley too. How the other half live, eh? I'm not one for shopping but I always have a laugh with Patrina. She's the kind of person who takes her time before parting with her money and that's only after she's haggled for England! The market is her kind of place. A guy was trying to sell us cheese pasties....and she told him he needed them more, to fatten him up!! She took about 50 minutes to decide which two hanging baskets she was going to buy. I bought a "Curly Red" plant...just on a whim, like you do. Never heard of it before but it caught my eye and looked hardy enough for me not to kill it. The stall holder did mention that it has little white flowers too but there is no mention of those here.

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