
A bumper day off! I wangled a shore-leave pass from Mrs P as I had promised to take Sophie and her cousin Fiona out for tea this evening, so off I went into town to St George's Market for a few snaps and my first coffee of the day.

Tara was busy working away when I spotted her behind a food counter. Next time I passed, I took a chance and asked her if I could take a snap of her. Despite her shock of red hair and tattoos, she was delightfully shy and embarrassed but agreed so I fired off a few. She was very tanned to start off with, but got a little red-faced too with the attention of those around her. Lovely girl!

Earlier, I had a nice chat with hat seller, Gerry Kelly, who was very affable - definitely a touch of the Blarney there! He's below, along with a rather sad VW and a statue called No Pasaran!

This afternoon's @lovebooksbelf was a great success. We discussed The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid, and it was a fairly lively and involved discussion.

Definitely a good day off!

Gerry Kelly


No Pasaran!

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