Swimmers' Log Book


Marking with a View

#1 10:30
#2 12:30
Spot the difference!

Leisurely marking in the garden on the hottest day of the year so far. Yes, I got a bit sunburnt. Silly me - should really know better by now. I blame it on the G&T!

Poor Heidi was sick last night and barely managed a handstand today - she's definitely not well. Hope she feels better tomorrow. x

Joe and Chloe hit the books throughout the day: exams looming.

Doug cooked us all a fab BBQ for lunch.

I swam for just over an hour and ache now. (Joe swam for three hours and no doubt doesn't feel a thing.)

Chloe coached and then drive home beautifully.

Spent the evening finding some good science and swimming resources for school.

Now too hot and achy to sleep (hence the 2am blipping).

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