Return to the North

By Viking

Playing dead!

Well, what a long and interesting day I've had. An early start this morning to an appointment in Nelson (via a quick catch up at school with an old pal). Appointment will possibly bear fruit sometime in the next month, a 'wait and see' on that one. 
I then decided to drive back to CHCH via Blenheim and Kaikoura, assuming there probably wasn't much difference in time and distance! 
Had a stop in Havelock for some yummy fish and chips and then just as I was heading out of Blenheim I saw a hitchhiker so stopped and picked her up.
She was heading to Christchurch so we kept each other company for 4 or so hours. She was from France but had been travelling for over three years! and apart from when she has to move continent everything is done by hitchhiking and unless she stays somewhere for a long period of time every place she stays is either camping or 'couch surfing'. Florence is making a film along the way as she is a film-maker by trade. Seriously interesting person to have along for the ride.

Some interesting news on the way home - watch this space

This chappie was playing dead on the side of the road when we stopped to take pictures of his pals on the rocks - we both nearly fell over him he was so inconspicuous 

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