Sad, tired, emotional.

Another awful night.
Munchie is having a growth spurt, with this, come the night terrors. Bees again last night, chasing her. Wom was just unsettled, didn't know what he wanted.

Zombie mummy

Daddy left to drive up to Sellafield, he promised me he would stop if needed.

Survived day at work,
Collected one very tired, snotty, sad boy and one tired dirty grumpy girl.

Fed them chocolate hobnobs, I never share hobnobs usually but this was an emergency!
Wom sobbed through bath so I literally washed his face and got him out, he tired to go to sleep on my lap but couldn't get comfy so I put him to bed and he was asleep in minutes. Munchie too, was fast asleep so quickly tonight.

Who knows what time they will wake in the morning, but both really need a decent nights sleep. As do I

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