Extreme Risk Protection Orders
We went to a luncheon downtown given by the Alliance of Gun Responsibility ( the grandmothers against gun violence are under this umbrella). as a fund raiser for I-1491, an initiative that will empower family members and law enforcement to take action when they see warning signs of a crisis-serious threat of violence to themselves or other people- and prevent tragedies before they happen. Like not allow the person to buy a gun. The speakers were Captain Mark Kelly and his wife ,congresswomen Gabby Giffords, from Arizona, who 5 years ago was the victim of a gunshot to the head while meeting with her constituents and has made a remarkable recovery and delivered an amazing short inspiring speech. This is one of the screens around the room.. The podium was too far away.. 1500 people were having a delicious lunch in this room at the Weston hotel! And pledging big bucks! There should of course not be a need for legislation of this sort ...Washington State led the way last year to make background checks a law, and now it is trying again to defeat the powerful gun lobbys. Nothing is happening at the federal level. One has to do something.
And tomorrow: a very special blipmeet! Actually it began today unexpectedly at dinner here, but we agreed not to do the "blipmeet blip" til tomorrow when we will be "touring" Seattle for the day ... Oh my, just as everyone has always said, you just feel like you know this person you have never met before!
Edit: so much for the agreement not to post a picture! ...PaulaJ snuck one into her extras so now I can do the same to prove she and Gordon (Highpike) were actually here at our condo, here on the roof deck! We had such a lovely evening eating, talking, walking with someone from the UK I have followed for a long time. They have a had a fine American adventure in our West and we are very excited they are here in Seattle for a few days! More in the next blip!
And here's an unfortunate fact... There was an amazing aurora borealis over Seattle and the space needle 2 nights ago that I just learned about and of course missed! Darn. The pictures are phenomenal.
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