Film Night

Thank you so much your your kind comments, stars and heart's for Sunday's blip. It's good to know so many people care.

A lovely, gentle entry into my new post today. The members of my immediate team were all out of the office for different reasons (including one on honeymoon on Iona) and the wider team gave me a warm welcome.

In the afternoon I saw a lovely client. She's been coming to me for years but has been absent lately so it was wonderful to see her looking so well. We picked up where we left off.

I then rushed off to The Filmhouse for my film course. Tonight's delight was Mon Oncle by Jacques Tati. There was a good discussion afterwards and an even better one in the Filmhouse bar after that (where this blip was stolen). I helpfully added to the Tatiesque atmosphere by nearly, but not quite, falling over. Have I ever mentioned I can be rather clumsy?

There are a lot of hurtin' Albertans out there -

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