Messages from the Cards

Dear Diary,

What I always find so amazing about the SoulCollage process is the images that come to us in what seems at first such a random way.  A few days ago I posted a photograph here of my "junk" drawer and what should I discover on the first morning of the workshop?  An article about the beauty of the junk drawer!  I cut out the picture and then discovered little stickers..."give", "keep"...which I added.  I loved the message too, we are all allowed a junk drawer in our life.

The serendipity continued when I got home too and found a box had been delivered.  In it was a book, String too Short to be Saved  by  Donald Hall.  It was a gift from the wonderful DDW which she sent after reading my junk drawer post.  It is a collection of memories from a New Hampshire farm of the man's youth, more "memories4me"!

We also did a reading at the end of the workshop where you draw, at random, three cards from a pile of cards that others had made to see what thoughts they might offer for a question you have.  I asked "What should I be open to now that the genealogical journey is done?"  The first card I drew had camera lenses all over it and the last had a picture of a barred owl that looked just like Ollie who visits my house on occasion along with other images of nature!  The message here was very clear
Now, I call these occurrences "sign posts".  They are always there, pointing the way if we allow ourselves to be aware of them.  These sorts of serendipitous occurrences happen to me all the time but the SoulCollage process just seems to bring them out even more.

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