Kaytee ^_^

By kaytee


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If you think something is, or will go wrong, look at it from a different perspective. For those who don't know, I have a conditional to study BA Photography and Film at Napier University however I am extremely sceptical that I haven't reached my english condition. At my school, going straight into employment after 6th year wasn't regarded as an option; it was either go to uni or become homeless. Well stuff you school, I applied for a job. I am both competitive and ambitious, so if I do fail to meet my conditions, I will be pretty darn disappointed. Infact....bit of an understatement.

However, I've had plenty of time to realise that the world's oppertunities are endless, and I can approach my dreams in all different directions. My mum always told me to chase my dreams. She did again tonight. Soppy stuff I know, but it's moments like this when you really have to think about where your emotions should really lie. After the shooting in Colorado I can't help think that for me, it's not the end of the world.

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