Wonky Mound
My Dear Fellow,
The title of today's picture sounds like the name of a legendary blues singer. Or an unsuccessful porn star. However, it is more to do with the fact I was trying to take a picture up the Mound on a beautiful sunny day on a moving bus.
I've noticed in the years I've lived here that Edinburgh in May is more often than not rather glorious. And it lulls me. Every year I think, "May is beautiful! It is going to be a wonderful summer!"
And every year it pishes all over my high hopes in June and July. But this year, I am not to be swayed. I am staying Summer cynical. I shall treat this day and all of May as a huge fluke.
But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. Today I went by a walk by the railway line and despite the detritus and the building materials and the bottles of Bucky, I still managed to see butterflies and birds and even a rabbit.
Edinburgh. It takes and it gives. I'm going to put today into the positive category though.
El Parsones
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