Peerie Flooers at Berry

It was a lovely sunny morning, fine warm start to the day :)  By late morning, mist slowly crept down the hills and it's been a breezy and cold afternoon.  The sun has popped out again this evening but still chilly, after yesterday :) 

I've been up in the museum office all day.  Mostly been working through old photos and slides but also had the odd order to process too.  Niece Elise popped by work when I finished and came over for tea.  After tea, a walk up to Berry, before running her back home.  Off to work in the pub again tonight. 

Me, Elise and Sammy enjoyed a walk to Berry Farm this evening.  Sammy was charging about looking for rabbits, while me and Elise were enjoying watching the lambs spring about the fields.  I also spotted these peerie purple flowers growing on the road verges.  Not sure of the name of them but I like them :)  Taken at Berry Farm, Scalloway.

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