Do Drop In

I would ask you to kindly look away as The Boss was not dressed to “Downton” standards this morning as he grabbed his tripod rather than his pants.
Luckily The Bossess was not “upstairs” in fact she was not anywhere so this grossly bad behaviour was not witnessed…dogone it.

I suppose I should defend the hand that feeds me so in his defence I guess the light could have gone at any moment so perhaps speed was the essence and exposure was vital. The camera’s not his.

It is now raining so it will be more of “Downton” tonight in spite of the amazing blunder that Granny (acycling) made by mentioning what actors do when they are in jail in one program so can work on another.

This is what happens when you steadfastly refuse to watch broadcast TV in weekly commercial filled instalments.

I do however admit that there is a lovely rear view of a lovely Lab in the lovely intro which is kinda lovely.
Woof?  Yap just a bit


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