
Missed Steve this morning. Ben pushed all my buttons, not deliberately, just missed his daddy, but I am still poorly and was not coping with it especially well. After breakfast he took grandad off to see his cousins in their chalet up the hill, and Charley had a shower with me which he was pleased about - he gets to have a splash about in the tray to begin with, and when I'm done he gets a cuddle and a wash. He was properly tired by the end though so when mum and dad went off to the supermarket, Ben and I took Charley for a walk to let him go to sleep.

Once asleep Ben got to watch a DVD while I tried to get everything together to make welshcakes.

I was almost defeated by a lack of scales.

Took Ben and headed up the hill to see if I could get any 3G signal for my phone to get a conversion to cup measures for flour, but didn't have time to get a conversion for sugar. Mum and dad got back to find me on the floor rubbing butter into the flour, feeding Charley blueberries and crumpet, wondering how to measure out 3oz of sugar. Eventually mum and I cobbled together some scales using a bottlecap, some playdough, a battery and a wooden spatula. We balanced half a block of butter against our sugar measure and guestimated the rest. The welshcakes, once cooked (in my heavy casserole, on an electric hob, flicking between a temp of 1 or 2 (2 burned them, 1 didn't cook them enough)), were actually very eatable!

Steve arrived home mid-afternoon, after mum and dad and Ben left to go to the beach. Charley and I had had a rest and a sleep watching some foodie shows on the tellybox. Charley was excited to see him, and Ben's reaction when he got back from the beach was "Charley loves me, I'm home now, it's ok" and gave Charley a cuddle. Steve was like, hello Ben, I love you too!!

We've muddled our way through the rest of the afternoon, had dinner at Chris and Therese's, and are back for an early night.

Come on antibodies. I'm supposedly being encouraged to make enough for two small people as well as myself. Maybe I'm just last on the priority list...

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