People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Thoughts on ownership

We bought a house. This means the bank owns a large portion of it until we pay it off.

Our bathtub barely drained when we moved it. I felt like a real owner, because I was able to unclog it without anybody's help with a gentle help of enzyme-producing bacteria powder.

Our refrigerator (which came with the house) was collecting water. I learned that this model tends to have the problem of not draining right - a little pipe freezes over in the back. I defrosted the fridge, un-frosted the pipe with hot water. Unfortunately, it looks like the problem may be reappearing. This time, i may need to call someone to figure out a better solution than defrosting the pipe every two weeks. So - do I own the fridge, or not? Can you say you own something if you know nothing about it?

I admire Corin, a fellow blipper, very much. He often posts pictures of his various projects. Solar panel installations, motorcycle fixing or upgrades, furniture refinishing, putting in new windows - you name it, he does it. Corin, I think, owns his (and his wonderful family's) house, because he can actually fix things when they break, and change or upgrade whatever he pleases.

Would I like to KNOW and be able to fix/upgrade any and everything? Yes, but the learning curve is very steep as I am starting my learning from zero. Would it be cheaper? Yes. Would it bring me joy and satisfaction? Yes. Do I have the time? Not so much...

I will have to decide what to do on case by case basis I suppose.

On the picture you see some of my well known and loved kitchen tools. A ball thingy for pureeing things against a colander. Silicon spatulas. Soup ladles.

I OWN these.

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