A Pirate's Life For Me

Work this morning and, as the only teacher who likes teaching music, I was asked to teach a whole morning of it to the year 2 class.
Their topic at the moment is Islands so I planned a re-telling of a Treasure Island story, complete with pirate costumes, and the children wrote and performed musical accompaniments to go with the story. It was VERY noisy but brilliant fun and the children really enjoyed it. It was a bit of light relief for them as they are in the middle of KS1 SATS.
After lunch I went over to see my brother and the boys. Louis is a big pirate fan and was keen to try on the pirate costumes. He was happy to make his fiercest pirate face for me and have his photo taken.
Poppy's had 2 maths papers today which went ok. Only one day to go, yippee!!

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