
By BikerJim

~Two Gourds~

~Tohono Chul, Arizona~

Looks like I'm back to posting my photographs to my journal.
But since I reach the big 365, things are a little different, now.
The self-imposed pressure of posting everyday is in the past.
I can post-process and upload the images anytime I want.
I have decided to try an continue to post them uninterrupted.
It may take me a day or two but I will do successive images.
Don't want to stop the ongoing, one photograph a day, thing.
Plus, I can't seem to put the camera down, even for a moment.
I really love taking photographs, it is part of who I am, now.

I mentioned in one of my Epilogues that I have dyslexia.
And that it is difficult for me to type and spell at the same time.
That being said, I just may cut back on my text just a little bit.
Though I do like expressing myself verbally, so we'll just see.
This text is a good example of what I am talking about.
I really enjoyed expressing myself to you, in this posting.
But it took nearly an hour to write these two paragraphs.

A comment left earlier today may have helped me out.
Fiori said, "your photographs totally speak for themselves."
So, when I have time, I'll post my images on The Blip.
And when I have time, I'll add words to my photographs!

Thanks and see you tomorrow, ok?

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