Waiting for Seagulls

Dermatology appointment for MrRoly at Treliske this morning - it went well and the best news is, he has been told he (we) should have a week of winter sun each year! A real life proper consultant dermatologist has said we must go somewhere hot and sunny for a week every winter. Sweet.

As we celebrated with coffee at The Range, both our phones rang - the school, Smallest had just ejected his breakfast all over his desk.

So we got footed it back and picked him up. He did look poorly but had rallied by about 1 and proceeded to eat for the rest of the day...

I did another Little Arq shift and made lemonade for the first time. It was really rather lovely! Home via Asda to 'Nasty Goreng' cooked by my house husband before I was on taxi duty picking the older 2 up from Sea Scouts.

Now relaxing with a glass of wine, chocolate and "Indian Summers". I could get used to having a house husband...

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