
Went out for coffee with a friend from work.  Since I last saw her in February, she's been on a Pacific Island cruise, and next week she's off to Canada for 4 weeks, and part of that will be on a cruise too!  How the other half live!!!

After I left her, I went for a quick trip around the supermarket, then dashed home for about an hour.  Then off out again to meet Alexandra at the Department of Transport, to finalise the transfer of the car.  We managed it all without any problems, she put her personalised plates on the car, and off we went home.

We had to ring our insurance company to tell them we no longer had my car, and she to ring them about the new number plates.

My husband was on the phone, waiting for 30 minutes!!, only to be told that their computers were down, so they couldn't change any information.  He eventually got it done at 7pm.

My Blip is of a large French dictionary, and the little bumps are indentations for the letters of the alphabet.

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