Nap Time!

Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly reporting!

Mum has been busy the last 2 days - both yesterday and today she was at the airport, doing her 'union job' and meeting with Members before their trips. She said she was going to be away too long each day and was leaving home too early in the morning to take me to the sitters each morning so I went there Monday and stayed overnight.

I was very happy when she came to pick me up this afternoon!! Mum was very tired because she had got up at 430 two mornings in a row. Believe me - she is NOT a morning person!! So on the way home she was yawning. And I started yawning too. She yawned some more. And then me again.

"Hey, Mum! Maybe we should have a nap when we get home!"

And so we did. On the sofa. In the conservatory. With me snuggled behind her knees. Bliss! We slept a LONG time! Mum was dreaming lots. Don't tell her - but she was snoring too! I never snore - but Mum does!!

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