cultivate thankfulness

By cultivate

This always happens...

I will have a great morning at church, intimate worship and prayer, encouraging fellowship with friends, calls and texts of support from people who care. Then I come home full of life and Satan does his work and manages my family to all be in a foul mood and want to start fighting with me. I could literally kiss my dads feet and he would manage to find a way to call me an evil person. Oh and forget that I'm my own person, I am always accidentally and ironically called my mothers name in fights. As if being someones daughter for 21 years isn't enough to establish my name in his head. No matter HOW I react good, bad, apathetic I will always be compared to my mother's failures. My logic, strength, aptitude, Intelligence, skills, expectations are all limited and only associated with negative female stereotypes from my misogynistic dad. Forget dreaming and trying to be independent.

I am sick of the verbal abuse, evil, and the outright sexism in my family.

I hate living here.

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