
By Yeda

Apple Pie

Every day has to be your best day. You should give your every effort. Even if that means it has to be put under a macro lens and cropped to within one minute of that Best Day. The evidence should be captured and put up for display, and possibly shared with another. A witness. And if my family can witness just one best thing from me, well, then, it makes all the difference. Tomorrow becomes an inspiration.

Today I was inspired to make my Famous Apple Pie. A great source of pride, I must admit, since it has a reputation and all. Hard to believe? I don't blame you for your skepticism, but you'll just have to take my word for it. It's Damn Good.

This is not my original recipe. I developed that nearly 13 years ago. On one of my best Best Days, too. Naturally, it has changed over the years. What you see above is The Best Damn Apple Pie you'll ever lay eyes on this side of the planet, thirteen years in the making. (It is conceded and all out understood that I do know a few people who put in a bit more time in their Best Damn Apple Pie and it may even be better than this one.)

Plus or minus, 4745 Best Days went into today's pie. One cup sweet, a dash of sour, hint of spice, and at least one secret ingredient baked into what some would say is what wooed & inspired my sweetheart to marry me. And if I should start out feeling that maybe yesterday was my last Best Day, a slice of this should snap me to attention.

Oh! I hear the timer going off...time to blip this testament to culinary delight.

Hmm. So, I pulled this thing out of the oven and well, it just doesn't appear that, well, this was supposed to good. My best. Tomorrow's inspiration. Hmmm...maybe too much hype?

Well one witness came into the kitchen just minutes after it was rescued and what did he say?

Your Apple Pie! When can I have some? Is now too soon?

Drool nearly forming at the crest of his lower lip. Instant, and yet refreshingly alarming, subservient concessions and utter obedience ensued.

I've still got it.

And that was the moment I wish I captured.

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