One day later

When I saw this book lying on one of the workbenches in the staff base on one of the wards in the unit this morning, I knew more or less instantly that I had to take a photo of it and post it.

That was not because I knew that the book is a novelisation of the life of an apparently famous US magician. I only found that when looking at the back cover after taking the photo.

No. The reason I took it upstairs to my office and set up alongside my coffee plunger was because yesterday in New Zealand's parliament, the Prime Minister was ordered out of the house by Mr Speaker (Mr David Carter), for not resuming his seat when the speaker stood, nor even when ordered to do so.

Mr Key has had applied to him many epithets over his years as our PM, and I feel certain that those epithets would include both magnificent and extraordinary. Magical and electrifying might also have been used. The opposition parties have referred to him as a devil.

In his prepolitics life, Mr Key increased the wealth of his employers and himself by gambling (with other people's money of course) on the currency market.

Coffee is said to be addictive, and I confess to having three plungers full of coffee per day (six mugs).

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