Afternoon had to be ......

...... Spent in the garden!
" A " strimmed the grass as due to his VERY nasty bite he couldn't do this job ( which he wanted to) on Sunday . I tried to clear the weeds from the driveway, but my back gave way , so , not all the roots were removed! I get so cross that I can't do the things I used to, still I try to do what I can. I wanted to plant 2 more baskets alas that has had to be put off until another day.
But as they say, how can you look after others/ plants if you don't look after yourself!!
Guess it's time to prepare supper now.
I must admit I did do housework this morning, go to the bank and make an apple crumble for tonight , so maybe I mustn't feel too bad about the garden bits!!

Happy ...... to have managed to tidy just a little of the garden.

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