Gettin' Down With the Down

In our city, you have to shoot the geese and their goslings when you can. Two years ago, our city council voted to "round up" the families of geese every Spring, and relocate them. So, they probably won't be around much longer.

I had a nice 20-25 minutes with a family of 7 goslings, until I got "the hiss" warning from Dad. (How come he let me stand there for 25 minutes before he hissed?) For the first time in a long while, I had enough "keepers" for a Flickr set. While Dad was watching the brood, Mom was bathing in the millpond. Some shots of the bather, and a few from yesterday's fishing expedition are on the set.

I always wish I could pick the goose toddlers up, just to feel the softness.

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