Dukes back

Poor old Duke, one of the four labs, has been at the vets for two weeks after in true lab style he are something he shouldn't. We've really missed him. He's not quite up to full steam but getting there.

Fiona hurt her ankle yesterday and it swelled up overnight so I had to fill in today. Was gutted to miss my ride, especially as I won't get one next weekend.

Mike worked from home this arvo so he could do the school run and Eva went to play at Phoebe's after preschool so we managed the childcare fine. Mike got to take Tobes for his swimming lesson so that was good.

This evening we caught up with friends for Gavs bday and he and Kristie had just had their 14 week scan. None of us had a clue so it was a double celebration! The restaurant was apparently voted the best Italian in the UK. The food was pretty good. Having not eaten at every Italian in the UK I can't say whether it's best! . Thank you Auntie Kate for babysitting x

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